All SageMaker AI built-in algorithms adhere to the common input inference format described in Common Data Formats - Inference. This topic contains a list of the available output formats for the SageMaker AI k-means algorithm.
JSON Response Format
"predictions": [
"closest_cluster": 1.0,
"distance_to_cluster": 3.0,
"closest_cluster": 2.0,
"distance_to_cluster": 5.0,
JSONLINES Response Format
{"closest_cluster": 1.0, "distance_to_cluster": 3.0}
{"closest_cluster": 2.0, "distance_to_cluster": 5.0}
RECORDIO Response Format
Record = {
features = {},
label = {
'closest_cluster': {
keys: [],
values: [1.0, 2.0] # float32
'distance_to_cluster': {
keys: [],
values: [3.0, 5.0] # float32
CSV Response Format
The first value in each line corresponds to closest_cluster
The second value in each line corresponds to distance_to_cluster
1.0,3.0 2.0,5.0