Using the AWS CLI commands for the SageMaker HyperPod APIs - Amazon SageMaker

Using the AWS CLI commands for the SageMaker HyperPod APIs

Create your first SageMaker HyperPod cluster using the AWS CLI commands for HyperPod.

Create your first SageMaker HyperPod cluster with Slurm

The following tutorial demonstrates how to create a new SageMaker HyperPod cluster and set it up with Slurm through the AWS CLI commands for SageMaker HyperPod. Following the tutorial, you'll create a HyperPod cluster with three Slurm nodes, my-controller-group, my-login-group, and worker-group-1.

  1. First, prepare and upload lifecycle scripts to an Amazon S3 bucket. During cluster creation, HyperPod runs them in each instance group. Upload lifecycle scripts to Amazon S3 using the following command.

    aws s3 sync \ ~/local-dir-to-lifecycle-scripts/* \ s3://sagemaker-<unique-s3-bucket-name>/<lifecycle-script-directory>/src

    The S3 bucket path should start with a prefix sagemaker-, because the IAM role for SageMaker HyperPod with AmazonSageMakerClusterInstanceRolePolicy only allows access to Amazon S3 buckets that starts with the specific prefix.

    If you are starting from scratch, use sample lifecycle scripts provided in the Awsome Distributed Training GitHub repository. The following sub-steps show how to download, what to modify, and how to upload the sample lifecycle scripts to an Amazon S3 bucket.

    1. Download a copy of the lifecycle script samples to a directory on your local computer.

      git clone
    2. Go into the directory 1.architectures/5.sagemaker_hyperpods/LifecycleScripts/base-config, where you can find a set of lifecycle scripts.

      cd awsome-distributed-training/1.architectures/5.sagemaker_hyperpods/LifecycleScripts/base-config

      To learn more about the lifecycle script samples, see Prepare lifecycle scripts for setting up Slurm on SageMaker HyperPod.

    3. Write a Slurm configuration file and save it as provisioning_params.json. In the file, specify basic Slurm configuration parameters to properly assign Slurm nodes to the SageMaker HyperPod cluster instance groups. In this tutorial, set up three Slurm nodes named my-controller-group, my-login-group, and worker-group-1, as shown in the following example configuration provisioning_params.json.

      { "version": "1.0.0", "workload_manager": "slurm", "controller_group": "my-controller-group", "login_group": "my-login-group", "worker_groups": [ { "instance_group_name": "worker-group-1", "partition_name": "partition-1" } ] }
    4. Upload the scripts to s3://sagemaker-<unique-s3-bucket-name>/<lifecycle-script-directory>/src. You can do so by using the Amazon S3 console, or by running the following AWS CLI Amazon S3 command.

      aws s3 sync \ ~/local-dir-to-lifecycle-scripts/* \ s3://sagemaker-<unique-s3-bucket-name>/<lifecycle-script-directory>/src
  2. Prepare a CreateCluster request file in JSON format and save as create_cluster.json. The following request template aligns with the Slurm node configuration defined in the provisioning_params.json in Step 1.c. For ExecutionRole, provide the ARN of the IAM role you created with the managed AmazonSageMakerClusterInstanceRolePolicy in Prerequisites for using SageMaker HyperPod.

    { // Required: Specify the name of the cluster. "ClusterName": "my-hyperpod-cluster", // Required: Configure instance groups to be launched in the cluster "InstanceGroups": [ { // Required: Specify the basic configurations to set up a controller node. "InstanceGroupName": "my-controller-group", "InstanceType": "ml.c5.xlarge", "InstanceCount": 1, "LifeCycleConfig": { "SourceS3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-<unique-s3-bucket-name>/<lifecycle-script-directory>/src", "OnCreate": "" }, "ExecutionRole": "${ROLE}", // Optional: Configure an additional storage per instance group. "InstanceStorageConfigs": [ { // Attach an additional EBS volume to each instance within the instance group. // The default mount path for the additional EBS volume is /opt/sagemaker. "EbsVolumeConfig":{ // Specify an integer between 1 and 16384 in gigabytes (GB). "VolumeSizeInGB": integer, } } ] }, { "InstanceGroupName": "my-login-group", "InstanceType": "ml.m5.4xlarge", "InstanceCount": 1, "LifeCycleConfig": { "SourceS3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-<unique-s3-bucket-name>/<lifecycle-script-directory>/src", "OnCreate": "" }, "ExecutionRole": "${ROLE}" }, { "InstanceGroupName": "worker-group-1", "InstanceType": "ml.trn1.32xlarge", "InstanceCount": 1, "LifeCycleConfig": { "SourceS3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-<unique-s3-bucket-name>/<lifecycle-script-directory>/src", "OnCreate": "" }, "ExecutionRole": "${ROLE}" } ] }
  3. Run the following command to create the cluster.

    aws sagemaker create-cluster --cli-input-json file://complete/path/to/create_cluster.json

    This should return the ARN of the created cluster.

    If you receive an error due to resource limits, ensure that you change the instance type to one with sufficient quotas in your account, or request additional quotas by following at SageMaker HyperPod quotas.

  4. Run describe-cluster to check the status of the cluster.

    aws sagemaker describe-cluster --cluster-name my-hyperpod-cluster

    After the status of the cluster turns to InService, proceed to the next step.

  5. Run list-cluster-nodes to check the details of the cluster nodes.

    aws sagemaker list-cluster-nodes --cluster-name my-hyperpod-cluster

    This returns a response, and the InstanceId is what your cluster users need for logging (aws ssm) into them. For more information about logging into the cluster nodes and running ML workloads, see Run jobs on SageMaker HyperPod clusters.

Delete the cluster and clean resources

After you have successfully tested creating a SageMaker HyperPod cluster, it continues running in the InService state until you delete the cluster. We recommend that you delete any clusters created using on-demand SageMaker capacity when not in use to avoid incurring continued service charges based on on-demand pricing. In this tutorial, you have created a cluster that consists of two instance groups. One of them uses a C5 instance, so make sure you delete the cluster by running the following command.

aws sagemaker delete-cluster --cluster-name my-hyperpod-cluster

To clean up the lifecycle scripts from the Amazon S3 bucket used for this tutorial, go to the Amazon S3 bucket you used during cluster creation and remove the files entirely.

If you have tested running any model training workloads on the cluster, also check if you have uploaded any data or if your job has saved any artifacts to different Amazon S3 buckets or file system services such as Amazon FSx for Lustre and Amazon Elastic File System. To prevent incurring charges, delete all artifacts and data from the storage or file system.